Monday, May 18, 2015

Book Cover

I don't know where to start on this amazing opportunity that had been given to me. I was so excited that I had the chance to help this amazing author bring her story to life by creating her first book cover. I enjoyed everything about designing this cover, especially when you know it will have a affect on millions who suffer from trauma. Sometimes this can be overwhelming, but as a designer you have to remind yourself that you get to create something worthwhile. I know that inspired me.
This amazing author and best friend has very much inspired me and I am very honored to say I helped her design this cover. Anyone who is reading this should look into her book and website..

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Graduation Invitation

I am so proud! This invitation was difficult. I always have to remind myself before creating,
make sure you have photos and know what size the photos will be. I love being able to constantly learn new things, even if it means reminding yourself. We always learn new things each day.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Fundraiser Logo and Flyer

Logo & Business Card

I am so pleased with the way this logo turned out. I think as a designer it is hard to develop
the skill, to design something that looks and represents the owner. It took me a lot longer than I thought. Everything I was designing did not represent the owner and the company.
As a designer, we all  get stuck in a rut. Sometimes you have to walk away and think outside of the box. I am glad I stepped away, once I made one simple change, it all fell into place.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Web Banner and Facebook Launch

I really enjoyed putting together these pieces! I love being able to make my own design elements.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

USRA Race Flyer

I love being able to help others succeed. I think that is the best part of my job!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Beer Label

This project was interesting. This client is a brewer. He had something drew out already.
This can either help you or be very tricky. When clients have something in there mind
of what they want, always makes things interesting! Sometimes using vector works!
In the end its great to see what your design ends up being.